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We now have a maintainable end-to-end solution, that no one can use – unless they physically access our computer.

In this section, we’ll see how to deploy an ML solution so that our user can consume it, without having to literally hand over our computer.

Someone else’s computer

Back to the big picture of our ML solution, we need our code to run on a remote machine, i.e. someone’s computer, ideally not ours.

Image title
Big picture of our ML solution's system design.

So how about renting someone else’s computer, hosting our code there – now that it’s shareable – and giving our user access to that computer?

That’s where cloud computing comes in.

One way to go about it would be to go on our Azure, AWS or GCP platform and setup a ressource to host our ML solution. What these platforms provide is convenience and scalability, but that comes at a price.

A more hands-on – and cheaper – way of doing this is renting a Virtual Private Server (VPS)1 and setting everything up ourselves.

The internet is ripe with low-cost VPS offers. I went with Infomaniak – a Swiss-based cloud services company – but others exist.

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A side-project-dedicated machine for 3CHF/month.

Through the VPS-provider’s website, we order an Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS and – after a few minutes of waiting – our machine is ready.

Accessing the VPS

How can we access our newly-created VPS?

During the renting-out process, the VPS provider – here Infomaniak – gave us a private/public SSH key pair. Knowing the private key, we can authenticate ourselves to our remote machine and hence access it – through SSH – over the internet.

Accessing our VPS via SSH
Image title
Our VPS, accessible through SSH via the internet.
How does public/private key encryption work?

Public/private key encryption is a widely-used authentification method.

This method revolves around two “keys”, a key being a long string of seemingly-random characters.

The public key is called public because its owner can share it with everyone.
The private key is called private because its owner should keep it to themselves.

Its core principle is that data encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.

This means that if I encrypt some secret message with your public key – which is public and hence wildely-available –, and you’re able to decrypt it, then it must mean that you have access to the corresponding private key.

SSH – and other protocols, like HTTPS – rely on this property. That’s how our VPS knows that we are who we say we are – i.e. someone who’s allowed in, since we have access to the private key matching their public key.

To make it more comfortable to work on our VPS, we can set it up with our favourite productivity tools, as we would with any newly-installed machine.

Setting up our remote machine

This step is completely up to personal preferences.

On my end, my setting-up-the-vps flow looks like

sudo apt install && sudo apt upgrade # Upgrade the installed-by-default software 
sudo reboot

# Install oh-my-zsh 
sudo apt install zsh
sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install fzf
git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf 
# Then, manuall add the below lines to ~/.zshrc to fix some fzf-related bug
# export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

# Install zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# Then, manually add zsh-autosuggestions to ~/.zshrc's plugins

Getting our software onto the VPS

How can we get our production-ready code onto our VPS?

If our GitHub repo is public, we can simply git clone it.
If it is private, then GitHub deploy keys are there to address this need. They can grant our VPS a limited access – read-only to a single repository – and allow us to easily cancel them in the future.

Image title
Administrating deploy keys on GitHub.

GitHub deploy keys

A deploy key is a public SSH key that was uploaded on GitHub, granting the owner of the matching private key with access to a single repository.

That access can be read-only, or read-and-write.

Generating a dedicating public/private SSH key pair

As not to use the same SSH key pair for everything, we generate a public/private SSH key pair dedicated to authentifying us to GitHub.

The steps are outlined in the ssh-keygen procedure.

Image title
Our VPS, now able to pull from our repo.

Running our software on the VPS

How can we package our software to ensure it’ll run on our VPS, since the VPS’ environment will differ from our development environment – i.e. my private computer?

Containerization addresses this issue, with tools such as docker.

Image title
The docker logo.

Through a Dockerfile, we can setup reproducible steps outlining the environment within which our ML solution will live. We rely on volumes to have data persist when restarting our container.

Our docker volume can be created with docker volume create swissenergy-backend-data.

Image title
Our VPS, running our containerized ML solution.
Use docker compose

Since we only have a single container, one way to make it run would be to use following command

docker run --env-file ~/swissenergy-backend/.env --name swissenergy-backend -p 8080:80 -v swissenergy-backend-data:/code/data swissenergy-backend-image

Doing it this way is both long and un-versioned.
A better way is to use docker-compose. It is usually used to run several containers at once, but still very useful with only one container.

A command such as the one above turns into a .yml file:

name: swissenergy-backend
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
        - .env
    container_name: swissenergy-backend
        - 8080:80
        - swissenergy-backend-data:/code/data
    image: swissenergy-backend-image
    external: true
    name: swissenergy-backend-data

We can then build our image with docker compose build, and run it with docker compose run.

To run our containerized ML solution, we run docker compose up, et voilà!

Image title
Running docker compose up from our VPS.

Use screen

To have your container run in the background, the screen command is handy and wildly-available, although unintuititive to use.

Accessing our ML solution from the outside

Our containerized ML solution is running on our VPS, and publishing locally on the port 8080.2

Someone outside of our VPS cannot access these routes. A reverse proxy addresses this problem by acting as an interface between the outside – the internet – and the inside.

Image title
Our ML solution, accessible through the internet via a reverse proxy.

Setting up a reverse proxy

Caddy is a reverse proxy known for its simplicity and security.

To be able to reach our ML solution from the outside, we need to:

  1. Make sure we can reach our VPS by opening up the port 80 through your VPS provider – as they likely have their own firewall.

    HTTP goes – by default – through port 80.

  2. Set up the /etc/caddy/Caddyfile to redirect in-bound traffic on port 80 to localhost:8080, i.e. our ML backend.

      # Disable automatic HTTPS
      auto_https off 
    # Route HTTP traffic to our ML backend
      reverse_proxy localhost:8080

    /etc/caddy/Caddyfile contains the config governing Caddy.

  3. Enable and restart the caddy systemd deamon.

    sudo systemctl enable caddy && sudo systemctl restart caddy

And voilà! We can now reach our containerized ML solution from the outside:

Image title
Accessing our ML solution through the internet
by typing our VPS' public IP in our browser's URL bar.

Enabling HTTPS

We now can access our ML solution through HTTP, but not HTTPS.
For the sake of security, we’d like to allow HTTPS traffic, and have all HTTP traffic redirected to HTTPS.

To do so, we need to:

  1. Make sure we can reach our VPS by opening up the port 443 through your VPS provider – as they likely have their own firewall.

    HTTPS goes – by default – through port 443.

  2. Assign a domain – or subdomain3 – pointing to our VPS’ public IP. In practice, this means going on our domain registrar’s website – in my case GoDaddy – and adding a new DNS record of Type A4, whose name is vps pointing to our VPS’s public IP.

    This step creates the subdomain and have it point to our VPS’ public IP. It is needed since TLS5 certificates are usually only issued for domain names, not public IPs. Note that it can take up to two days to take effect, due to DNS propagation.

  3. Update our /etc/caddy/Caddyfile to reflect our newly-found preference of HTTPS.

    # Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
    # Send a 301 status code, indicating a permanent redirect {
      redir{uri} 301
    # Route HTTPS requests to our ML backend {
      reverse_proxy localhost:8080

  4. Restart the caddy systemd deamon.

    sudo systemctl restart caddy

Image title
Showing our DNS record in action by pinging our VPS via its public IP and via its subdomain, i.e.

Scheduling automated updates of the forecast

We can now access our ML solution through the internet; amazing!

But how are the forecast kept up-to-date? We would like for it to automatically fetch the latest ENTSO-E data, train the model and update the forecasted values – roughly every hour, since the ENTSO-E data gets updated at this frequency.

We built a route into our ML backend – /update-forecast – which triggers this process, but how can we send a GET request to that route at regular interval?

Enters cron, a wonderful job scheduler.

To run a command at the 15th minute of every hour, simply:

  1. Open the crontab file with crontab -e
  2. Add the scheduled job
    # Every 15th minute of an hour, run this curl command
    15 * * * * curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8080/update-forecast' -H 'accept: ap>

And voilà! Cron will run in our VPS’ background, and send our GET request to the our ML backend’s /update-forecast route on the 15th minutes of each hour.

Not exposing /update-forecast to the outside with caddy

Since cron will handle the forecast update from the inside of the VPS, there is no need for us to expose it to the outside. We can explicitely do that through our Caddyfile:

# Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
# Send a 301 status code, indicating a permanent redirect {
  redir{uri} 301

# Route HTTPS requests to our ML backend {
  # Block /update-forecast by returning 404
  route /update-forecast {
    respond 404

  reverse_proxy localhost:8080

Don’t forget to reload caddy with sudo systemctl reload caddy!

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Our VPS will now receive a GET request from cron
every 15th minute of an hour, in perpetuity, ensuring our forecast is fresh.


We now have a deployed ML solution, that can be accessed through the internet.

  1. It is basically a piece of physical machine. A lot bit like a Virtual Machine (VM). I really like this solution because one VPS can be used in several projects. It’s like having a side-project-dedicated machine. 

  2. Which means we can access our solution’s routes from within our VPS, via localhost:8080/SOME_ROUTE

  3. When you own a domain – e.g. – you can create subdomains – e.g. – at your will. This can come in handy. 

  4. More informations on DNS record types can be found here

  5. Transport Layer Security, the encryption protocol used by HTTPS.